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Next application round closing in:


Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. We have more than 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide.  Lions are everywhere. We're men and women active in more than 200 countries and geographic areas.

Lions serve our community. Our motto is “We Serve.” Founded in 1917, we are best known for fighting blindness, but we also feed the hungry, aid seniors and the disabled, and care for the environment. Lions are a global service network of volunteers that make a difference in their local communities.

As the official charitable organization, Lions improve the lives of millions of people through our eight pillars of service: Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Disaster Relief, Environment, Humanitarian, Hunger, Vision and Youth.

October 2024 Funding Round

Last Round Summary

In the period ending October, we received 8 applications totalling some $40,000 which were investigated and considered by the Community Needs and Grants committee. 

The outcome was that some $23,000 approved and we continue to work with one party on a solution including manpower from Lions as well as a grant for materials. 

In addition to this we had 2 multiyear approvals totalling some $17,500.


Criteria Overview

The Middle Districts Lions Club (MDLC) Community Needs & Grants (CN&G) program is designed to support our local and surrounding Palmerston North community by offering support to those activities deemed suitable.

MDLC has criteria and expectations for all applications received. Please read this carefully and feel free to make mention of any of the items below in your application.

Grant criteria

  1. Our initial priority is around our eight pillars, Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Disaster Relief, Environment, Humanitarian, Hunger, Vision and Youth and these items will receive priority.
  2. By submitting your application, you agree that details may be used by MDLC to assist with marketing/promotion activities and you may be requested to report back to the club.
  3. We do not provide assistance that is available from a government agency.
  4. You should be aware that it is unusual for MDLC to support anyone to the full cost of participating in any activity and you can also expect to be contacted by a committee member to discuss your request.
  5. For grants under $1,000 they will be reviewed and accepted/declined monthly from February up to and including November.
  6. For grants over $1,000 they will be reviewing 3 times a year, closing at the end of February, June & November then accepted/declined within the next month after closing.

Good luck with your application

Information required from Applicants

  1. Applications must be presented correctly on the forms supplied.
  2. Please ensure that all the questions are answered fully and accurately. Extra information is encouraged.
  3. Is the activity to be sponsored, already supported by a local, regional, or international body? If so, please advise the name of that body and are they making a financial contribution.
  4. Are you seeking financial assistance from other service clubs, church groups or other sources and if so, who and what amounts?
  5. Please explain what you have done already to provide for your project.
  6. No payments are made direct to individuals. All payments are made only to a recognized organization/supplier of goods/services.
  7. As a guide, our assessment of your application will likely include:
    1. Benefit to our Palmerston North and wider community
    2. Value to MDLC’s reputation
    3. Ability for MDLC to engage in this project

Frequently Asked Questions

How many funding rounds per year?

Three four-month terms closing at the end of February, June & November 

When will we know the outcome?

By the end of the month following the closing e.g. End March, July & December

When are grants under $1,000 reviewed?

At the end of each month from January through to November (no reviews in December) with the outcome advised by the end of the following month. 

What is the current success rate of applications?

In the period 2023/24, 15 grants were approved of the 21 received (71% successful) with the average value of grants being $10,000. 

Who can / have you given grants to?

Our grants are made to a wide and varied number of causes within our community. 

Disaster relief, Cyclone Gabriel - $10k 

Palmerton North Hospital Foundation - $25k 

Ronald McDonald House, Wellington - $22.5k 

Ross Intermediate School - $1.5k 

A laptop for a disabled child’s mother - $1k 

Manawatu Scottish Society - $9k 

Gilles McIndoe Cancer research - $30k 

Free passes to the minigolf for children education programs - $1k 

Big Brother Big Sister - $5k 

Grass Roots Helicopter Services - $5k 

Arohanui Hospice - $18.7k 

Samaritans - $5k 

The Glob - $10k 

Special Olympics - $2k 

Snap Back Gym - $2.5k 

What is the criteria Lions uses when selecting grants for approval?

Lions favour applications (although not exclusively) focusing on Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Disaster Relief, Environment, Humanitarian, Hunger, Vision and Youth. (show the graphic of the 8 criteria)

What is the maximum amount Lions will approve?

When assessing all applications, Lions reserves the right to decide whether the full amount requested or part thereof will be granted. Grants range in size from $1k to as high as $30k depending on worthiness, demand, and access to funds at the time.